Online Course Empower your inner voice

Empower your inner voice and speak your truth

Online Course in English 13./20./27.09., 11./18.10.2023


Online Course in English

I would like to invite you to deepen, open and strengthen the three body spaces belly, heart and head through a supportive form of breathing as we connect this with David Weinstocks techniques (

A voice, coming from your whole self can move yourself, others, and the world around you.

There is a common ground between the work of liminal somatics and my vision. Discover what you are capable of when you shape what you are committed to, live and act from your true self.

Online Course via Zoom

Course Dates:






Duration from 18:30 to 20:00 CET (UTC+1)


Special get-to-know prices!


Regular: 90 Euro

Member: 50 Euro – for members of the somatic consensus leadership program

About Sandra Borgarts

Arriving on the opera stage as a soloist, I found that the path had become my goal.
In search of my voice, I kept coming up against obstacles, and I devoted myself entirely to exploring them as invitations to grow.
The insights from this journey, which lasted more than two decades, I condensed into my own method „Voice-Body-Human“ which is holistic and versatile.
Since then I followed my passion and have been supporting people from all over the world in finding their voice and expressing it.

Registration / Anmeldung

For questions and suggestions feel free to contact me.

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